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Summary of the originale testimony of the parent

Scandal in Belgium

Belgian justice took hostage all the children in the family SEKE including a girl of 2 years, two small boys under 4 years and 7 years old and their older brother Harold.


To force parents to abandon any lawsuit in favor of their eldest son Harold. In fact, Harold has been deliberately deprived of education by the school and suffered abuse (finger cut off and nail of 2.5 cm inserted into the ear in school). By order of the judge Kinet, Dr. Thirry administered experimental and prohibited drugs to harold, endangering the health of harold. But Harold was not sick.

all started with a school guidance error. Harold autonomous 100%, in very good physical and mental health has been directed at the age of 7 years to a school for autism, not autism itself, despite the many protests from parents to those who were well oriented.

During 5 years of regular school attendance, school Castor, instead of instructing him, used Harold autonomy for children who were not autonome.
When parents discover that the school responds to parents that Harold is a child « who was born to be illiterate » It was a big lie because with the help of parents Harold showed that he is able to learn.
The parents ask the school to work hand in hand to fill the large gaps suffered by Harold on the basis of an individual program as provided by law for each school child who had it except Harold.

Instead of working with parents the school refused to obey the law about harold and arranges with the cork flooring to send parents to court.
Belgian justice in the person of Judge KINET instead of deciding according to the law, chose to cover the school, by mounting a judicial conspiracy to exempt the school from liability for deliberately refused to instruct Harold for 5 years of regular school attendance.

Unbelievable but true!

The plot of the judge KINET was to presente the parents of Harold as abusive parents. She said that the natural thinness of Harold was due to prirvation of food. That way, she has been fraudulently hospitalized Harold despite medical evidence showing the good health of Harold

by unsafe medical practices the Dr. THIRRY makes harold fat by 15 pounds in less than a month at the peril of the child’s life.
By this perfidious and barbarous manner Belgian justice had planned to use the thinness of Harold to get the parents of Harold for abusive parents to withdraw Harold from the parents.

And so the problem of his education would be evaded forever. But a Flemish doctor was not in the conspiracy with Dr. THIRRY had given parents the test results which clearly indicated that the metabolism of Harold was unable to retain fat. That is why Harold can not fat(grow) naturally. To make it fat(grow) at all costs they have made Harold the subject of medical experimentation at the peril of his life.

Once the judge entourloupe KINET was foiled, oppression has intensified against all members of the Family SEKE:

Nathan 7 years old was abused in her school
Mathias aged 16 disappears in 2003,
The family company « House of Kwang ‘was destroyed and children are all taken hostage in 2004 by the Belgian courts.
Seeking by every means to suppress violations of which they are delivered, judicial authorities of Liége have recently (March-May 2009) arbitrarily put in prison and released the father SEKE who refuses to yield to oppression..

Friends of right and justice raise your voice against the use of children as blackmail to justice. So that the judicial authorities of Liege respect the right , release the children they hold hostage without legal grounds and repair the damage caused